Technological innovation is our greatest triumph and our biggest challenge. Our world is complex and multidimensional, yet we attempt to fit it into the limits of our perception. This results in man-made problems, some mundane like traffic congestion, others causing global crises like epidemics and market crashes. This series of talks and panels introduces you to the fascinating world of complex systems.
Ulf Blanke, ETH Zurich
Dirk Brockmann, Robert Koch-Institute & HU, Berlin
Michael Balmer, senozon, Zurich
Fred Guterl, Scientific American
Dirk Helbing, ETH Zurich
T. Irene Sanders, Washington Center for Complexity & Public Policy
Maximilian Schich, Texas University
Michael Szell, MIT
Olivia Woolley Meza, ETH Zurich
Stay tuned for further details.