
Risk: Towards More Resilient Systems and Societies

Risk: Towards More Resilient Systems and Societies

Can we avoid another Manhattan blackout or minimize its impact? Can we sidestep natural catastrophes like Hurricane Sandy? How do we manage risk and complex behavioral patterns that result from a growing interconnectedness of systems? This seminar outlines the paradigm shift towards resilience, using models, techniques, and concepts that illustrate the emergent thinking: Unthinkable vs. Predictable; Black Swans vs. Dragon Kings.

Kay Axhausen, ETH Zurich 
Dirk Helbing, ETH Zurich
Hans Rudolf Heinimann, ETH Zurich
Wolfgang Kröger, ETH Zurich
Dan Riordan, CEO, Zurich Global Corporate in North America
William Rouse, Stevens Institute of Technology
Reto Schneider, Swiss Re
Didier Sornette, ETH Zurich 
Michael Szönyi, Flood Resilience Specialist, Zurich Risk Engineering
David Vetsch, ETH Zurich
Nassim N. Taleb, New York University

Stay tuned for further details.


